WHAT on Modules
I've made a small change to WHAT to make it easy to see functions defined within a specific (named) modules.
For example, in the current graphics module (which is still be moved to the host-kit so only contains a few functions at this time):
>> what graphics
box Draw a rectangular box.
circle Draw a circle or ellipse.
do-events Waits for window events. Returns when all windows are closed.
fill-pen Set the area fill pen color.
handle-events Adds a handler to the view event system.
handled-events? Returns event handler object matching a given name.
init-graphics Initialize graphics subsystem.
init-view-system Initialize the View subsystem.
pen Set the line pen color.
show Display or update a graphical object or block of them.
unhandle-events Removes a handler from the view event system.
unview Closes a window view.
view Displays a window view.
Here's an example of the HTTP protocol module:
>> what http
do-request Perform an HTTP request
http-error Throw an error for the HTTP protocol
make-http-error Make an error for the HTTP protocol
make-http-request Create an HTTP request (returns string!)
This comes in handy.