R3 A98 Released

Carl Sassenrath, CTO
REBOL Technologies
6-May-2010 15:20 GMT

Article #0320
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Just to let you know that A98 has been released for a few platforms.

On Windows, this is a Core release, not View. But, there will be a View release soon as well, we just need to determine how to handle both from the web-download admin side of things.

Also, we'll be releasing the Host Kit for A98, which also shows how to create your own embedded extensions. (That is, ones that are internal to the exe and become available when REBOL boots.) I've got a few modules I want to put there eventually: CGI access, RDB (a micro database I use quite often), and RIS (super-minimized network services but quite useful.)

With A98 out, there's still some work to do to move the graphics related functions to the host side. If you want to help with that, please contact me via feedback or on R3 Chat.


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