Do we dare add ++ and -- ?

Carl Sassenrath, CTO
REBOL Technologies
7-Feb-2007 20:30 GMT

Article #0057
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Here's a question to think about for 3.0. (I'm sure I asked this before, but let's revisit it again).

Do we dare add the C-style ++ and -- functions as a standard part of REBOL 3.0?

 Advantagea handy shortcut used by most C programmers.
 Disadvantagemodifies a word without using the SET-WORD notation (of course, you can already do that in REBOL) and adds noise to expressions (looks like an infix operator, but is not -- see examples at end).


count: 0
++ count ; add one
-- count ; sub one


  1. increments or decrements value by one
  2. returns the new value
  3. could also be allowed for series values to change index position
  4. only prefix. No postfix form (e.g. n ++).
  5. function precedence, same as negate. (Makes it less useful in non paren expressions.)

Example of last point, this is not valid:

if ++ count > 10 [...]

Just like you cannot write:

if negate count > 10 [...]

You either need to use prefix, reverse the comparison, or paren it:

if greater? ++ count 10 [...]
if 10 <= ++ count [...]
if (++ count) > 10 [...]

So, there you are. Useful or not useful as a standard part of REBOL? Tell us.


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