Talk-to-me - Source Code

Choose a voice, type your text and listen !
Author: DideC
File size: 1K
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    title: "Speach generator"
    author: "Didier Cadieu"
    version: 1.0.0
    date: 27-march-2004

voix: [
    "Crystal (US English)"
    "Mike (US English)"
    "Rich (US English)"
    "Lauren (US English)"
    "Claire (US English)"
    "Rosa (Latin Am. Spanish)"
    "Klara (German)"
    "Reiner (German)"
    "Alain (French)"
    "Juliette (French)"
    "Charles (UK English)"
    "Audrey (UK English)"

wave: none
check: 0
old-voice: none

speak: func [str [string!] voice /local p][
    if any [check <> check: checksum str old-voice <> old-voice: voice] [
        wave: read/binary/custom reduce [
            rejoin ["txt=" str "&voice=" voice]
    p: open sound://
    insert p load copy wave
    wait p
    close p

view layout [
    style vt vtext 100 right
    backdrop effect [gradient 1x1 20.180.20 20.20.120]
    vh1 "Speach generator"
    vt "Voice to use :"
    f-voice: choice 200 data voix return
    vt "Text to say :"
    f-text: area wrap return
    tabs [128]
    button "Speak" [
        if not empty? f-text/text [
            speak f-text/text first parse f-voice/text none
    button "Save wave" [
        if all [
            f: request-file/save/keep/only/title/filter "Save voice in wave file" "save" "*.wav"
        ] [
            if not find f ".wav" [append f ".wav"]
            write/binary f wave
    ] return
    tab vtext "Click here to know how it works ?" [browse]