Rebol universe - Source Code

Flight thru the Rebol code universe....
Author: Cyphre
File size: 3K
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    title: "Rebol universe by Cyphre in 2004"

rot: 0
stars: copy []
screen: 400x400
center: screen / 2
rng: 15
strange: fwd: false
objects: 2500
wrds: copy []
loop objects [
    x: (random rng) - (rng / 2)
    if x = 0 [x: (random rng) - (rng / 2)]
    append stars reduce [x random 360 (random 255) + 1]
    append wrds form first random first system/words

sort/skip/compare stars 3 3
stars-orig: copy stars

circle-grad: func [
    /local result c-inc col cl siz
    siz: size/x / 2
    result: copy []
    c-inc: reduce [col-a/1 - col-b/1 / siz col-a/2 - col-b/2 / siz col-a/3 - col-b/3 / siz]
    cl: reduce [col-a/1 col-a/2 col-a/3]
    repeat n siz [
        col: to-tuple reduce [to-integer cl/1 to-integer cl/2 to-integer cl/3]
        insert tail result compose [pen (col) fill-pen (col) circle (size / 2) (siz - n)]
        cl: reduce [cl/1 - c-inc/1 cl/2 - c-inc/2 cl/3 - c-inc/3]
    return result 

view layout [
    origin 0
    img: image screen with [
        image: to-image make face [
            edge: none
            size: screen
            color: black
            effect: compose/deep [draw [(circle-grad screen black sky * 1.2)]]
        rate: 0
        effect: [draw [] draw []]
        font: make font [
            size: 11
        feel: make feel [
            engage: func [f a e /local tmp col gx gy idx][
                if e/type = 'time [
                    idx: 0
                    f/effect/2: copy []
                    f/effect/4: copy []
                    either fwd [
                        rot: rot + 4
                        rot: rot - 4
                    f/effect/2: compose [pen sky line-pattern 3 5 line]
                    foreach [x y z] stars [
                        idx: idx + 3
                        idx-x: idx - 2
                        idx-y: idx - 1
                        idx-w: idx / 3
                        if z < 10 [
                            gx: x * 256 / z + center/x
                            gy: y * 256 / z + center/y
                            tmp: min 255 to-integer 300 * 7 / z
                            col: to-tuple reduce [tmp tmp tmp]
                            append f/effect/2 (as-pair gx gy)
                            append f/effect/4 compose [pen (col) fill-pen (col) circle (as-pair gx gy) (to-integer 10 / z) font (make font [size: to-integer 50 / z]) text (as-pair gx gy) (wrds/:idx-w)]
                        either fwd [
                            z: z - 0.1
                            if z <= 1 [
                                z: 256
                            z: z + 0.1
                            if z > 256 [
                                z: 1
                        either strange [
                            poke stars idx-x stars-orig/:idx-x + y * sine rot + stars-orig/:idx-y
                            poke stars idx-y stars-orig/:idx-x + x * cosine rot + stars-orig/:idx-y
                            poke stars idx-x stars-orig/:idx-x * sine rot + stars-orig/:idx-y
                            poke stars idx-y stars-orig/:idx-x * cosine rot + stars-orig/:idx-y
                        poke stars idx z
                    if (rot // 250) = 0 [
                        fwd: first random [#[true] #[false]]
                        strange: first random [#[true] #[false]]
                    show f
    at as-pair center/x - (logo.gif/size/x / 2) center/y - (logo.gif/size/y / 2)
    image logo.gif with [feel: none]