scroll-table - Source Code

The scroll-table custom style, useful for showing single or multi-column lists of data.
Author: Anton Rolls
File size: 10K
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rebol [
    Title: "Demo scroll-table style"
    File: %demo-scroll-table.r
    Date: 25-Mar-2004
    Version: 1.0.6
    Needs: [View]
    Author: "Anton Rolls"
    Language: 'English
    Purpose: {Show the scroll-table style in the browser plugin}
    Usage: {}
    ToDo: {
    - replace the main layout with a scroll-table itself.
    - after downloader is finished, use only load-thru, not load-thru/update (no need to update)
    History: [
        1.0.0 [30-Oct-2003 {First version} "Anton"]
        1.0.1 [30-Nov-2003 {resizable window} "Anton"]
        1.0.2 [12-Jan-2004 {Made a "launcher" window} "Anton"]
        1.0.3 [29-Feb-2004 {added more examples} "Anton"]
        1.0.4 [11-Mar-2004 {commented query/clear, forced update of all necessary files} "Anton"]
        1.0.5 [12-Mar-2004 {forked from gui/demo-scroll-table.r} "Anton"]
        1.0.6 [25-Mar-2004 {added download progress bar and updated with gui/demo-scroll-table.r} "Anton"]
    Notes: {}

view/new center-face layout [h1 "loading files" pr: progress]
bump-pr: func [v][pr/data: pr/data + v show pr]

site: select load-thru/update [folder "Anton"]
clear find site %index.r
bump-pr 0.1
do load-thru/update site/library/include.r
bump-pr 0.1
foreach file [scroll-table.r header-group.r list-sort-button.r check-label.r][
    read-thru/update site/gui/:file
    bump-pr 0.2
include [
    site/gui/scroll-table.r [scroll-table-style]
    site/gui/check-label.r [check-label-style]


; create single-data, a block of the default colours
single-data: clear []
foreach word first system/words [
    attempt [if tuple? word: get in system/words word [append single-data join word ""]]

; create multi-data, a block of data used in some of the examples
multi-data: clear []
foreach file read dir: join view-root %public/ [
    append/only multi-data reduce [file size? dir/:file modified? dir/:file]

examples: [
    "Simplest example with no data"

    "Very short block of data"
    [scroll-table data ["hello" "bonjour" "hallo"]]

    "Inconsistent block of data"
    [scroll-table data [bonjour [in a block] [] [1 2 3 4] hello]]

        scroll-table data single-data

    "Single-column tabbing test"
        scroll-table data single-data
        scroll-table data single-data

    "Single-column, with (single-click) action"
        b: box 100x40
        scroll-table data single-data [
            pos: value 
            b/color: to-tuple b/text: pick face/list-data pos/2
            show b

    "Single-column, with double-click action"
        scroll-table data single-data double-click [alert reform [pos pick face/list-data pos/2]]

    "Single-column, with alt-click action"
        scroll-table data single-data alt-click [alert reform [pos pick face/list-data pos/2]]

    "Single-column, with header^/(column-width automatically calculated)"
        scroll-table headers ["tuples"] data single-data

        scroll-table data multi-data

    "Multi-column, with headers, sizes specified^/and a big edge"
        scroll-table 440x170 headers ["file" 100 "size" 80 "date" 190] data multi-data
        edge [size: 8x8 color: sky effect: 'bevel]

    "Multi-column, with sort column initially shown"
        scroll-table headers ["file" "size" 80 "date"] data multi-data
        with [sort-column: 1] 

    "Directory requester, restricts selection to directories,^/single-row select"
        ; this is like a directory requester
        ; multi-column, auto-sizing
        scroll-table headers ["file" "size" 60 "date" ] data multi-data [
            ; action (called on a selection click)
            ; face = scroll-table face
            ; value = [col row]
            ;?? value ; = position
            ;print ["face/selection:" mold face/selection]
            ;print ["face/last-selected:" face/last-selected]
        filter-click [
            ;?? pos  
            use [row][
                row: pos/2
                ;print [ row  mold multi-data/:row]
                %"" <> find/last/tail multi-data/:row/1 #"/" ; not a directory ?
        double-click [
            ;?? pos
            use [row][
                row: pos/2
                alert reform ["Selected position:" pos "Directory:" multi-data/:row/1]
        sort-comparator func [direc a b /local ret][
            if file? a [
                either %"" = find/last/tail a "/" [
                    if %"" <> find/last/tail b "/" [return direc = 'down]
                    if %"" = find/last/tail b "/" [return direc = 'up]
            do reduce [either direc = 'up [:greater?][:lesser?] a b]
        initial-sort [column 1]
        with [selection-mode: [single row]]

    "Multi-column selection-mode [single row]" [
        scroll-table data multi-data
        with [selection-mode: [single row]]

    "Multi-column selection-mode [multi row]" [
        scroll-table data multi-data
        with [selection-mode: [multi row]]

    "Multi-column selection-mode [single cell]" [
        scroll-table data multi-data
        with [selection-mode: [single cell]]

    "Multi-column selection-mode [multi cell]" [
        scroll-table data multi-data
        with [selection-mode: [multi cell]]

    "Multi-column selection-mode [single column]" [
        scroll-table data multi-data
        with [selection-mode: [single column]]

    "Multi-column selection-mode [multi column]" [
        scroll-table data multi-data  headers ["file" "size" "date"]
        with [selection-mode: [multi column]]

append examples ; debugging examples
    "None data"
    [scroll-table data (none)]

    "Empty block of data"
    [scroll-table data []]

    "None data, with multiple headers"
    [scroll-table data (none) headers ["hello" 80 "there" 90]]

    "Empty data, with multiple headers"
    [scroll-table data [] headers ["hello" "there"]]

    "Empty data, with multiple headers (width specified)"
    [scroll-table data [] headers ["hello" 80 "there" 90]]

    "Sorting test" [
        scroll-table data copy ["b" "c" "d" "a" "e" "f" "g"] headers ["file" 100]
        with [selection-mode: [multi row]]
    "Sorting test Multi-column" [
        scroll-table data copy multi-data headers ["file" "size" "date"]
        with [selection-mode: [multi row]]

    "Single-column Multi-line"
    [scroll-table data ["hello^/there" "bonjour" "hallo"]]

    "Multi-column Multi-line"
    [scroll-table data [["hello^/there" "bonjour"]["hallo"]]]

show-code: func [code][
    context compose/only [
        origin: 8x8
        my-area: none
        code: (code)
        view/new/options center-face lay: layout [
            origin (origin)
            styles check-label-style
            check-label "show common code" [
                use [my-area][
                    my-area: face/parent-face/parent-face/feel/my-area
                    if my-area = system/view/focal-face [unfocus]
                    my-area/text: mold either face/data [build-code code][code]
                    show my-area
            my-area: area 650x500 font-name font-fixed (mold code)
        ] 'resize
        lay/feel: make lay/feel compose [
            lay: (lay)
            my-area: (my-area)
            detect: func [face event][
                if event/type = 'resize [
                    ; resize the area
                    my-area/size: lay/size - my-area/offset - origin
                    show lay

build-code: func [code][
    compose/only [
        context (compose/only [
            scroll-table: none
            view/new/options lay: center-face layout (
                append copy [
                    btn "set-face single" [set-face scroll-table single-data]
                    btn "set-face multi"  [set-face scroll-table multi-data]
                    btn "reset-face" [reset-face scroll-table]
                    btn "get-face"   [alert mold get-face scroll-table]
                    btn "clear-face" pink [clear-face scroll-table]
                    btn "show selection" [probe scroll-table/selection]
                    btn "copy selection" [probe scroll-table/feel/copy-selection scroll-table]
                    styles scroll-table-style
                ] code
            ) 'resize

            ; find the scroll-table
            foreach face lay/pane [
                if face/style = 'scroll-table [scroll-table: face break]

            lay/feel: make lay/feel compose/deep [
                detect: func [face event /local window scroll-table][
                    window: (lay)
                    scroll-table: (scroll-table)
                    if event/type = 'active [focus scroll-table]
                    if event/type = 'resize [
                        scroll-table/size: max 0x0 window/size - scroll-table/offset - 20x20
                        show window
            focus scroll-table

; make a block of blocks, such as scroll-table expects for multi-column data
examples-data: clear []
foreach [description example] examples [
    append/only examples-data reduce [description trim/lines mold example]

lay-blk: [
    ;style code code as-is font [name: font-fixed colors: reduce [black yellow]] effect [merge luma 16]
    ;text as-is "Right-click to show code.^/Unless specified column widths are automatically calculated."

origin: 10x10
append lay-blk [
    origin (origin)
    styles scroll-table-style
    eg-scroll-table: scroll-table data examples-data headers ["description" "example code"]
        with [selection-mode: [single cell]]
        double-click [
            switch pos/x [
                1 [do build-code pick examples (pos/y * 2)] 
                2 [    show-code pick examples (pos/y * 2)]
        ; <- alt-click action here
    btn "notes on example code" [
        view/new center-face layout [
            style dot image 17x17 effect [draw [pen black fill-pen black circle 9x9 3]]
            dot text "common code is a bit generic, to facilitate demonstrating so many examples" return
            dot text "modifying window face feel to capture resize events" return
            dot text "focus is necessary for scroll-wheel functionality (to receive scroll-line events)" return
            dot text "post-init needs to be done after modifying the feel" return

main: center-face layout lay-blk
main/offset/x: 10
view/new/options main 'resize
main/feel: make main/feel [
    detect: func [face event][
        if find [down active] event/type [
            if eg-scroll-table <> system/view/focal-face [focus eg-scroll-table]
        if event/type = 'resize [
            eg-scroll-table/size: main/size - eg-scroll-table/offset - origin - 0x30 ; origin + space for btns
            ; resize all the btns
            foreach face main/pane [
                if face/style = 'btn [face/offset/y: main/size/y - origin/y - face/size/y]
            show main
focus eg-scroll-table

wait none