MakeDoc Example

Boilerplate goes here.
Follows directly after title.

Heading 1

This is a paragraph. You can have any text here.

This is the next paragraph. Notice that everything is separated by a blank line. That's the main thing you need to remember.

If you want bold words use the bold markers like that. You can also use italic and underline.

Heading 1.1

Heading 1.1.1

Heading (with space check)

Heading 1.2

Code Sections

Code follows:

Code example

Can be more than one line.

Always indented and marked.

    And indentation is preserved.

Code output:

Code output




  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2 - Has sub-bullets
    • Bullet 2.1
    • Bullet 2.2
      • Bullet 2.2.1
  • Bullet 3 - Has enums
    1. Enum 1 in bullet
    2. Enum 2 in bullet
      1. Enum 2.1 in bullet
      2. Enum 2.2 in bullet
  • Bullet 4


  1. Enum 1
  2. Enum 2
    1. Enum 2.1
    2. Enum 2.2
      1. Enum 2.2.1
  3. Enum 3
    • Bullet 1 in enum
    • Bullet 2 in enum
      • Bullet 2.1 in enum
      • Bullet 2.2 in enum
  4. Enum 4


 word1word 1 defined
 word2word 2 defined
 word3word 3 defined

Hidden Comments

There should not be another text line below this one.



This is a note

Note here

This next line is indented:

Indented line

This is centered text.


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Row 1, col 1

Row 1, col 2

Row 1, col 3

Row 2, col 1

Row 2, col 2

Row 2, col 3

Centered Table

Column 1

Column 2

Paragraphs in table

This is the first paragraph.

This is the second.

Here is the third.

Bullets in table

  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
  • Bullet 3

Code in table

Line of code

Another line of code

Document End Marker

Everything that follows this marker is hidden. Good for keeping notes, change logs, etc.

Updated 14-Mar-2007, WIP Wiki, REBOL/Core   -   Copyright 2007 REBOL Technologies   -   WWW.REBOL.COM   -   Edit