
Copy all Files in a Directory

Author: Carl Sassenrath
This example requires REBOL/View
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Here's how to copy files from one directory to another. The destination directory will be created if it does not already exist:

    source: %pages/
    dest: %archive/

    if not exists? dest [make-dir/deep dest]

    foreach file read source [
        print file
        write/binary dest/:file read/binary source/:file

Note that the source and dest must be directories (and include the ending slash).

To extend this function to copy files recursively in all sub-directories, it will need to be made into a function:

    copy-dir: func [source dest] [
        if not exists? dest [make-dir/deep dest]
        foreach file read source [
            either find file "/" [
                copy-dir source/:file dest/:file
                print file
                write/binary dest/:file read/binary source/:file

Now you can write:

    copy-dir %pages/ %archive/

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